Monday, August 1, 2011

Most Embarrassing moment

This one gets a little graphic...

Lets have a sharing moment shall we?  What is your most embarrassing moment?  This one is mine...shhh, lets keep this between you and me mmkay.

The family once came for a visit. My dad, my younger sister and her three children, ages 7, 3, and my, at that time, one bedroom apartment...Fun, Fun, Fun! So, besides having to deal with the high pitched squeals of "She won't give me my gun back!" and "He keeps taking the bullets!" Mind you, this was a toy gun and IMAGINARY bullets, yeah, where was I? Besides that the sweet, quiet 1yr old found my "bottom" drawer and decided to prance around, in front of my DAD cradling (graphic) like a baby in her arms....FUN!  My mother had to explain to him that I'm not a little girl any more...