Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Favorite Zombie Movie List

Here is a list of my favorite Zombie films. I'd like to hear your list as well.

George A. Romero’s, Night of the Living Dead : classic

Night of the Living Dead

Return of the Living Dead: they freakin ran for the first time

Return of the Living Dead

Pet Semetery 1 and 2: Zombie animals

Pet Semetary 2

Shaun of the Dead: What is there not to love about this movie?

Shaun of the Dead

Resident Evil series: Mila Jovovich, nuff said.

Resident Evil 2

Return of the Living Dead 3: First emo zombie

Return of the Living Dead 3

Army of Darkness: Some put it in the zombie category, some don't...I do.

Army of Darkness

And more recently: Zombieland, duh.
