Picwall- Pictures and Wallpapers |
Picwall Blog: Picwall- Pictures and Wallpapers. Picwall Blog is the site where you can find many cool Pictures and Wallpapers. This site was created 2009, May. When I started this blog I tried to make a collection of Pictures and Wallpapers which I like most. Then I thought a name for it so I decided to give the name "PicWall" "Pic" from Pictures and "Wall" form Wallpapers.
Hasan Shamim |
About Me: I am
Shamim Hasan. I live in Bangladesh, which is a beautiful country. Studying B.Sc.Ag (Honrs) Final Year in SAU (Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University). I love internet, I love blogging and I also like Facebook. But above all I like Blogger because its interesting and it gives you a chance to create something as you like. There is no limitation and that's the main point.
Thank You for visiting my site.