Friday, July 29, 2011
Who let the dog's out?
So, last night I went dogging.
Ok, so I didn't actually GO dogging, but ended up in Scratchwood Park, off the A41, not far from my house in London.
Let me make you aware, this is not a normal evening activity for me. It came about after a night out with friends, dogging came into conversation. We talked about it and decided to go check out what dogging is all about.
Some of you may be thinking, what is dogging?
Well, Dogging is a predominantly British activity that involves outdoor exhibitionism in car-parks, wooded areas and places as such. The term "dogging" originated in the early Seventies to describe men who spied on couples having sex outdoors. These men would 'dog' the couples' every move in an effort to watch them. When the swinging scene discovered that open-air sex has its own special thrill they began meeting in car-parks, and the doggers had a new found fun activity. The doggers soon realised that these couples were actively encouraging them to watch, even performing for them, and sometimes allowing them to join in.
So, five of us piled into my friends car and off we went. I was sat in the front of the car, and as we drove in, I felt a sense of sickness. Mainly because as we drove down the gritted road, we saw men sat in their cars waiting to be "flashed." Being flashed is when someone flashes their car lights to let the "dogs" know that they are about to embark in some sexual activities. The "dogs" will then stand by the car and watch. We saw some men standing outside their cars, looking into other cars to see if any action was happening. Everytime someone walked past our car, I was telling everybody to be quiet as I was actually scared one of these men would be some sort of lunatic of rapist and pull me from the car, hense asking the driver every ten minutes if the doors were locked!
After abour twenty minutes, we decided to leave. I was glad to get out of there and open a window! (I had the car window shut the whole time we were there as I was scared an old man would come and spunk on my face or something!)
I was intriegued to know more about dogging and after some research, I found out
that there are forums for doggers! One website offers you a list of the best "dogging" places to go near to where you live. The one we went to, Scratchwood, was on the list as one of the best ones "with a lot of action" happening there. This was by far the case last night!
So, in conclusion and in my opinion, I can say I find the whole "dogging" thing weird and creepy. Do you really want to have sex in your car in a forest with an old man watching you and wanking off to your pleasurable moment? If people get off by things like this, then that is their choice, but to me, I think these men are perverts and are better off investing their money in a blow up doll than petrol to dogging areas!
I would love to know what people think about the whole "dogging" world, or if you yourself have been dogging or been a "dog." Please comment below or alternitavely, you can email me at
Lotsa love..
Little Miss V..x
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I need a new camera
so pissed. YEAH. I'm still mad and sad. My phone that I usually use for taking photos was stolen. As much as possible I don't want to post something negative here but I have to shout this out especially that it is my fifth time to have something stolen from me. yes 5th damn time! just a reminder that snatchers are everywhere. literally everywhere, they would even dress like they don't look like one. They would wear something decent and elegant, so you have to be very careful and mindful of your things all the time.
Aside from that, my son broke my digicam while he was taking pictures. The LCD isn't functioning anymore that it'll be too costly for me to have it repaired. As they say it'll be better to buy a new one. sigh. It is also my favorite, we have another one but it doesn't take pictures as good as my broken digicam. :(
Anyway, On the lighter note I'm still thankful that nothing bad happened to me. (Alhamdulillah) I'm just praying that it'll be the last.
now, I have to buy a new one. any suggestions for a good digital camera? the one that is not expensive if there is please. thank you! :)
After Exam Break
I went out with my cousin in-law? honestly, how do you call someone whom is married to your husband's cousin? well anyway I like to refer to her as a good friend, her name is Juhanisa or Joh for short. Since Joh and I are so close in age, we have many of the same interests. Take it from the fact that we're both young mommies, she also have a boy and girl toddlers. So I texted her If she could accompany me to go outside after my exam; you know just to relieve some stress and fortunately she said yes. That's what I like about her, she is always available. hahaha. No seriously thank you for always being there.
We went to Greenbelt, Glorietta, SM makati, and Trinoma. yes four malls in one day.
us |
She wears her veil perfectly. |
Whoops blouse/Folded and Hung pants |
Forever 21 belt/ bag from HK/ Cole Vintage Brogues |
that's it! I enjoyed the day hoping I passed the exam though. :)
Monday, July 25, 2011
What's Your Wish List
Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine...
1. World Peace. Watch, it's gonna happen and you'll all be thanking me.
2. Even boobs. Not through surgery, but through miracle.
3. To walk into a room and have everyone say my name. Like Norm on Cheers.
4. At one moment in time to have everyone break into song and dance. That would be ....that's right, Awesome!
5. I wanna WALL-E. Not the little toys they're selling in the stores, but THE Wall-E. I want someone to create his exact A.I. and place it in that exact mechanical body just for me.
( Recently watched the movie again and still adore that lil guy.)
1. World Peace. Watch, it's gonna happen and you'll all be thanking me.
2. Even boobs. Not through surgery, but through miracle.
3. To walk into a room and have everyone say my name. Like Norm on Cheers.
4. At one moment in time to have everyone break into song and dance. That would be ....that's right, Awesome!
5. I wanna WALL-E. Not the little toys they're selling in the stores, but THE Wall-E. I want someone to create his exact A.I. and place it in that exact mechanical body just for me.
( Recently watched the movie again and still adore that lil guy.)
![]() |
Wall-E |
It's a date!
Hey dolls,
So, I have had quite a few people ask me what kind of things you should or should not do/say when on a date!
This blog is mainly pointed towards the girls but there are some tips in here that guys will also find useful.
So, here are things I believe in..
1. Bring baggage to the date
By baggage I am talking about insecurities and the dramas of your life. No guy wants to hear about all the things that have happened to you, or the last relationship you were in. Guys HATE hearing about your ex. Even if you tell them how bad your ex treated you thinking you are hinting so they will do better..they WON'T.. He is out on a date with you because he likes you, so please don't turn off his attraction signals by revealing your insecurities for the world to see.
2. Talk too much
It is always drummed into a mans mind that being a good listener will get them in the good books of most women, and for a lot of men, this means they will sit back and let you talk relentlessly without stepping in, purely because it seems like the thing to do. The truth is that the guy wants to talk about himself as much as you do, so ask him thought provoking questions about him and his goals and let him talk.
3. Show signs that you are not relaxed
A guy who is on a date with you wants the real you, not a nervous you that conceals all of your best features. Something to remember when dating men is not to let other singles make you nervous before the date! We have the best times when we relax and enjoy ourselves with people. Don’t over analyse every little detail of the date, and just allow things to unfold naturally. Relaxed, confident women are more attractive in men's minds, because they are in control of themselves.
4. Spend too long on the date
The date should be short and fun. This keeps it fresh and spontaneous in the early stages, without draining every last bit of life out of the time you have together. Save some for the next date! Leave him wanting more, that's the key!
5. Drink too much
We all know, that nerves hit before a date. When the waiter comes to your table to ask what drink you would like, usually women will ask for a glass of wine. That is because we know with a bit of vino down us, we warm up and become more lively. Keep it to a two-drink max though. If the date’s so bad you need to drown your sorrows, say goodnight and hop a cab to meet your friends at another bar.
1. Put your phone on vibrate/silent
Refrain from even putting your phone on the dinner table. When you go out with your friends, it is natural to put your phone in front of you on the dinner table or next to you at the bar, but on a date, keep it hidden. Stop the urge to text or 'bbm' for a few hours. If you need to consult your phone for any reason, wait until your date steps out of site and put it away once they return.
2. Do prepare yourself for the date
By this, I mean pamper yourself. Especially if it is a first date, you want to look your best. A bit hairy? Have a wax. A bit pale? Have a spray tan. Dirty nails? Have a manicure. These are all basic things we should be doing naturally anyway. Do whatever it is you need to feel better about yourself and give yourself that confident boost. Want to feel sexy? Go any buy some nice lingerie, even if you do not want your date to see it that night, you will feel sexier.
3. Be yourself
There is nothing more sexy than being yourself. If you are a loud, outgoing person, do not try and act shy and innocent as you are worried how you will come accross. If you are shy and sweet, do not try and act like a slut to think the guy will like you. Be yourself. If the date does not like you at the end of the night, he was not worth it anyway and there will be more!
4. Have fun
To be honest, when you think about it, you are only hanging out with some one for a few hours. You are not sitting your GCSE's or having a wax. You are just going to have a nice evening with a date. Let your hair down and lighten up, what is the worst that could happen?
Hope this helps dolls..
Lotsa Love,
Little Miss V..x
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not..
Hello Dolls,
I have a friend who has been "seeing" a guy for about six months.. (mainly just sleeping together.) He then decided he wanted to be with her but she wanted things chilled and to stay the way they were. They get on great and their chemistry is electric and she did not want that to change. He was very persistant to make her his girlfriend and after quite a while, she gave in.
Now that she gave in he has been CRAP! So, where as before, he was the one calling, texting, wanting to take her out, he now has her and does none of that... It is as if the tables have completely turned!
WHAT?!!?!?!?!? How does a mans mind work? What makes him think "well now i have her, screw it!"
Now, I understand guys love a challenge. They love having something to work for and we play them off as much as we can but as women, we can't help it, we give in. Now as soon as we give in, why is it they go off of us?
Do they feel that now they have won they should move on? Do they think they have the trophy, it only needs a polish every so often? Or now that you are an "item" the sex may not be as good or we may be more needy? It just doesn't make sense.
So this friend of mine is really confused as the ball was completely in her court and now she doesn't know where she stands.
I know if I was in this situation, I think I would have to try and be the stronger one. If thats how he wants to play, fine, let him. The ball was originally in my court and thats how it'll end as well. He can act like he's not interested, but lets be honest, he is a guy and he will come running back. I think I would say to myself "Whatever, he is being childish, im over it!" And then move on. I'd get my girls together, dress up and look sexy as hell and go out on a mad night and make sure he knows about it! If he knows im out having fun and not crying over him, surely that will annoy him? He is a guy, he is trying to prove something. Well, its not happening dude.
So, to my friend, go out! Have fun! Make sure he knows you are out having fun. He will get so frustrated and come running back apologising and wanting you back and once again, the ball will be in your court! Oh, and when he does come running back.. tell him your done and not interested!
Hope that helps.
If you want to contact me you can..
FB: Little Miss V
Twitter: @LittleMissVak
Lotsa Love..
Little Miss V..x
Monday, July 18, 2011
10 Easy Steps To Denying Reality
The knowledge is within me. So I have decided to share my oh so great knowledge with you, my dear readers, and so have contrived a step by step plan to helping one deny reality.
Step1: Picture everyone in their underwear. If this makes you nauseous, picture them as monkeys.
Step2: When in a serious conversation, keep in mind phrases like "That's what he/she said." and "....between the sheets." and laugh out loud when the urge hits.
Step3: Have meaningful conversations with inanimate objects.
Step4: Narrate your every move out loud.
Step5: Do not hold back those natural responses to stressful situations. Go ahead and scream, growl, cry, howl, cluck...
Step6: Make it a game, the I'm Not Touching The Devil game. How to play: Pick something to avoid, such as walls or cracks in the ground, or door handles, etc. Then avoid touching them at all cost and every time its a close call, scream "I'm not touching the devil!"
Step7: Create your own language and try teaching it to friends, family, coworkers, etc., but as if its the only language you speak.
Step8: Dance to the music in your head, and play the music loudly.
Step9: When someone tries to remind you of your responsibilities, "blah" them.
-Aren't you going to be late for work?
-Don't forget to pick up the milk on the way home.
-You never listen to me anymore.
And Finally,
Step10: Remove all of your clothing, wrap toilet paper around your head and run down the street singing The Beach Boys- Barbara Ann.
Step1: Picture everyone in their underwear. If this makes you nauseous, picture them as monkeys.
Step2: When in a serious conversation, keep in mind phrases like "That's what he/she said." and "....between the sheets." and laugh out loud when the urge hits.
Step3: Have meaningful conversations with inanimate objects.
Step4: Narrate your every move out loud.
Step5: Do not hold back those natural responses to stressful situations. Go ahead and scream, growl, cry, howl, cluck...
Step6: Make it a game, the I'm Not Touching The Devil game. How to play: Pick something to avoid, such as walls or cracks in the ground, or door handles, etc. Then avoid touching them at all cost and every time its a close call, scream "I'm not touching the devil!"
Step7: Create your own language and try teaching it to friends, family, coworkers, etc., but as if its the only language you speak.
Step8: Dance to the music in your head, and play the music loudly.
Step9: When someone tries to remind you of your responsibilities, "blah" them.
-Aren't you going to be late for work?
-Don't forget to pick up the milk on the way home.
-You never listen to me anymore.
And Finally,
Step10: Remove all of your clothing, wrap toilet paper around your head and run down the street singing The Beach Boys- Barbara Ann.
These 10 easy steps will lead to your being locked up where you will be given the best reality denying drugs available. Enjoy!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Kiss me, beneath the milky twilight...
Hi dolls,
So, Cher once said "It's in his kiss" and you know what, I completely agree. "How can I tell if he loves me so?" Well, if his kiss oozes with lust and passion, then you know he likes you. Lady Antebellum said "Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight,Just a touch of the fire burning so bright, And I don't want to mess this thing up..No, I don't want to push too far.Just a shot in the dark that you just might be the one I've been waiting for my whole life so baby, I'm alright with just a kiss goodnight." Sixpence none the richer wanted a kiss beneath the milky twilight where the silver moon was sparkling.
Your probably thinking I'm talking gibberish but think back to a time someone kissed you like they really meant it, like there was no one else in the room, on this planet even and you were just intwined in the most perfect lip lock.
To me a kiss is not just a kiss. I can spend hours kissing and cuddling a guy and not need any more sexual interaction because those kinds of kisses are so special and make you feel so in love. Even Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman said she would do everything and anything to Richard Gere, yet she would not kiss him. Why? Because you can only give a real kiss when you really like some one.
Now days, girls and guys go out to clubs and bars, get drunk and kiss who ever they see. Yes, it is fun and the next morning whilst attempting to cure a hangover, you remember that meaningless kiss or your friends remind you and say "I cannot believe you kissed that guy last night!" It happens to the best of us and you move on because it was meaningless and half the time, you won't see that person again, or even remember their name.
I am so into things old fashioned. I remember how my grandma used to tell me how men would "court" her. Back then, men were GENTLEMEN. You would meet at the local club, disco or bowling alley, they would ring the front door bell, come in to meet your parents and be so polite, they would take you out but have you home at an honest hour, write you a letter or throw a stone at your window to get your attention one night. I WANT THIS!
Why did things change so dramatically? Now days it is completely different. A guy will add you on Facebook and stalk your pictures before anything moves anywhere, say he has seen you out (when a lot of the time he probably has not), you will drive to your own date instead of him picking you up due to slight embarrasment, will take you to a boring restaurant or cinema, try get you back to his place and if not, before you both get into your own cars, there will probably be that end of date awkward snog. SNOG. Who wants a snog?! A snog is not a kiss. And this is what I mean.
I don't want that awkward snog at the end of the night. I want the kiss that will make my heart melt. I want the kiss that will make my stomach turn inside out with butterflies. I want the kiss that will make me go weak at my knees. I want the kiss that will make my leg pop back behind me. I want an upside down kiss like in Spiderman! I want it all!
To be honest, I cannot wait until the day I find the man who's kiss will do all of that to me. Everytime he kisses me, I want it to be like the first and last time we kiss with the most amount of passion you could ever desire.
Ahhhh, how I can only dream!
I hope you enjoyed this blog guys and dolls.
Dont forget, you can keep in touch with me via twitter @LittleMissVak, my facebook page " Little Miss V " or email -
Lotsa Love..
Little Miss V..xx
Friday, July 8, 2011
My Mother's Driving
So this weekend my mother and I were searching through the newspaper for job openings when she went off track and found a job posting for "driver needed". I immediately began shaking my head no as she read off the job.
Me: Absolutely not mother!
Mom: ...500 a week...
Me: I would sue any company that hired YOU as a driver.
Mom: ...must have a valid license, I have that....
Me: No!
Mom: Why not?
Me: Because. I was with you when you ran over the median last week. I was with you when you went the wrong way down a one way. AND, I was with you when you got pulled over for drunk driving.
Mom: I don't even drink.
Me: Exactly my point!
Also, go here and follow, mmkay?
Me: Absolutely not mother!
Mom: ...500 a week...
Me: I would sue any company that hired YOU as a driver.
Mom: ...must have a valid license, I have that....
Me: No!
Mom: Why not?
Me: Because. I was with you when you ran over the median last week. I was with you when you went the wrong way down a one way. AND, I was with you when you got pulled over for drunk driving.
Mom: I don't even drink.
Me: Exactly my point!
Also, go here and follow, mmkay?
Monday, July 4, 2011
It's a heartache... A lovesick man..
Hey Dolls,
Hope you are all well and had a great weekend.
Now this blog is slightly different.
I recieved an email from an annon reader who wanted some help and advice regarding his love life and the girl he is in love with. I have written back to him and given him my advice but I think it would be great for more of my readers to get involved and add points of view. Please leave your comments below or email
Here is his story:
Dear Little Miss Vak
I wanted to share an honest story with your readers and get some feedback and advice. I believe men are misunderstood and that we tend not to give ourselves a good image. I hope my tale will rewrite yours and other people’s opinions of men. We have emotions and sometimes we are big enough to admit and then attempt to correct our errors. This is a love story, but unlike most, it’s yet to realise its happy ending…
Men are often perceived to be prats and we are. We make mistakes and we do things we regret. However, recognising we’ve made a mistake and trying to right the wrong is seemingly rare. I however am trying to correct past mistakes and write a better future for myself and for someone whom I dearly love.
Early this year I was living the dream, I had a girlfriend who loved me as much as I loved her. Things really couldn’t have been better but I let one tiny tiny thing get to me and before I knew it, I’d ended the best relationship I had ever had. What a fool I was. In truth, I probably knew only a few weeks after I’d ended it that I’d made the wrong decision but I didn’t want to admit that to anyone, least of all myself. After all, men can’t be seen to make errors can they?!
The weeks and slowly the months ticked on by. Nothing changed for me; other girls didn’t interest me at all, what was the point when there was only one person on my mind? Still, I couldn’t face up to that. I’m a man, I can’t find fault in anything I do.
Finally, a month ago a light-bulb clicked on in my head. I hadmade a huge error and let the most incredible person go unnecessarily from my life. Trouble was I’d not seen her now for close to three months and we’d rarely spoken. I firmly believe it is never too lateto say sorry and attempt to rectify a situation though.It had taken me too long to realise I was a fool but I had to tell her how I felt. I had to tell her I wanted her back in my life. If she loved me as much as I thought she did then somewhere deep in her heart she’d be able to realise the same feelings I feel now still exist inside of her despite the months of torture that she’d no doubt suffered attempting to move on from me – something she was reluctant to do.
So I plucked up the courage and I told her exactly how I felt, not missing out a single detail. I’m not expecting to jump back into the deep end immediately; it takes time and patience for these things to work. I’d hurt her badly and I had no right to think that I deserved a second chance. However she’s as honest and forgiving as anyone I know – like I said, she’s incredibly special. She’s admitted to me that in her heart somewhere she knows she wants to be back with me but her head is too scared to face that reality.
It’s normal for her to feel scared having been told it was over but then months later be told that actually that was a mistake. However, I won’t hurt her. I couldn’t hurt her again and she has to believe in me. I felt scared merely admitting how I felt to myself but figured I had to do this. It scares me to admit this but it’s not just these next few weeks and months I’m hoping to change, but given how good what we had was, I want to change my life by doingthis.
Luckily we’ve spent some time together lately and unsurprisingly we still get on so well, there’s obvious chemistry. I just need her now to look into her heart and let herself realise her true feelings like I have – I even burst out crying in front of her recently as I tried to explain to her what she means to me. She knows I’m not joking and she can see how important she is in my life. It took me months to realise I had made a mistake; I hope she realises that we’re right for each before months have further elapsed.
Right now I must be patient and let this takes as long as it takes. I can’t begin to explain how hard that is though. Men are impatient, we want instant answers so this is arguably my hardest test. She’s single and whilst it hurts me to think that she may go out and fool around with other guys whilst telling me that I still mean something to her, she’s entitled to do that. However if she wants this to work one would hope that she wouldn’t be with random men anymore – I can’t ask that of her but she can only do that for herself. It won’t work if she continues as a fully-fledged single lady. Everyone has desires and needs – myself included, but my physical urges have been and still are on hold, I’m waiting for her. I hope that soon she will want me again and not Mr Random.
Your readers must understand how much she means to me and just how good we were together. It’s so rare in life you meet someone special and it’s all too easy to suggest that one should never go back on the past however this is different. This is about love not two young people wanting just simply to fool around. Given that men are strong and emotionless, how often could a guy admit to crying in front of a girl because he’s so overwhelmed by the emotions that she evokes?
My request is simple, that she’s honest with herself and allows herself to relax and be loved again (providing she wants that). If she’s not honest with herself she’ll always be scared and we’ll never know what could have been. I believe that she would one day soon like to be back with me but I fear she’ll not let herself be loved again. Everyone likes to be loved, neither she nor I are any different. Not that long ago we used to regularly tell each other how much we loved one another – those strong feelings do not just disappear. I hope that in a year we’ll be able to look back at this and laugh – it’s one of those key moments in life where you know you’re making a decision now that can positively influence your entire future.
Life’s all about risks and gambles. I’ve put myself in a position where I could easily be hurt but because I know that there’s a chance things will work out perfectly it’s worth that risk. I hope she can take these same risks and gambles I have. One kiss may tell her everything she needs to know – those feelings of old may just need to be coaxed out with that most simple of moments when two foreign lips meet. She once loved me and I believe she still does. Despite it still being the early days, it’s timefor her to be brave and overcome her fears – the sooner she can do that, the sooner that my pain and anxiety will be distinguished and the sooner she’ll be loved again and back in the most amazing of relationships.
So, Little Miss Vak, what would you and your readers do or what advice would they give to me or her? It’s no surprise that people who know us have said that we’re meant to be together, that we’re perfect for each other. In the grand scheme of life we’ve had a minor blip and we’ll be stronger as a couple for this; after all, no couple go through life without having to cross a hurdle. I’ve learnt my lessons and will never let her go again, no chance.
Time and patience are the key factors here but in the short-term I hope she can loosen up, take a (100% safe) gamble on me and be true to her heart. If she can’t do that then this may not work and if this isn’t going to work I need to know sooner rather than later as forgiving myself for my errors in the past won’t be easy.
Remember, not all men are bad. Not all guys want to simply get into a woman’s pants – there are some of us who have feelings and emotions, one of which is the ability to love someone else. I am big enough to admit my errors and importantly I’m trying to correct them – it is never too late. We can’t change the past, so it’s time for me and her to write our new, better future, the one I know we both want.
An anonymous lovesick man.
Hope you are all well and had a great weekend.
Now this blog is slightly different.
I recieved an email from an annon reader who wanted some help and advice regarding his love life and the girl he is in love with. I have written back to him and given him my advice but I think it would be great for more of my readers to get involved and add points of view. Please leave your comments below or email
Here is his story:
Dear Little Miss Vak
I wanted to share an honest story with your readers and get some feedback and advice. I believe men are misunderstood and that we tend not to give ourselves a good image. I hope my tale will rewrite yours and other people’s opinions of men. We have emotions and sometimes we are big enough to admit and then attempt to correct our errors. This is a love story, but unlike most, it’s yet to realise its happy ending…
Men are often perceived to be prats and we are. We make mistakes and we do things we regret. However, recognising we’ve made a mistake and trying to right the wrong is seemingly rare. I however am trying to correct past mistakes and write a better future for myself and for someone whom I dearly love.
Early this year I was living the dream, I had a girlfriend who loved me as much as I loved her. Things really couldn’t have been better but I let one tiny tiny thing get to me and before I knew it, I’d ended the best relationship I had ever had. What a fool I was. In truth, I probably knew only a few weeks after I’d ended it that I’d made the wrong decision but I didn’t want to admit that to anyone, least of all myself. After all, men can’t be seen to make errors can they?!
The weeks and slowly the months ticked on by. Nothing changed for me; other girls didn’t interest me at all, what was the point when there was only one person on my mind? Still, I couldn’t face up to that. I’m a man, I can’t find fault in anything I do.
Finally, a month ago a light-bulb clicked on in my head. I hadmade a huge error and let the most incredible person go unnecessarily from my life. Trouble was I’d not seen her now for close to three months and we’d rarely spoken. I firmly believe it is never too lateto say sorry and attempt to rectify a situation though.It had taken me too long to realise I was a fool but I had to tell her how I felt. I had to tell her I wanted her back in my life. If she loved me as much as I thought she did then somewhere deep in her heart she’d be able to realise the same feelings I feel now still exist inside of her despite the months of torture that she’d no doubt suffered attempting to move on from me – something she was reluctant to do.
So I plucked up the courage and I told her exactly how I felt, not missing out a single detail. I’m not expecting to jump back into the deep end immediately; it takes time and patience for these things to work. I’d hurt her badly and I had no right to think that I deserved a second chance. However she’s as honest and forgiving as anyone I know – like I said, she’s incredibly special. She’s admitted to me that in her heart somewhere she knows she wants to be back with me but her head is too scared to face that reality.
It’s normal for her to feel scared having been told it was over but then months later be told that actually that was a mistake. However, I won’t hurt her. I couldn’t hurt her again and she has to believe in me. I felt scared merely admitting how I felt to myself but figured I had to do this. It scares me to admit this but it’s not just these next few weeks and months I’m hoping to change, but given how good what we had was, I want to change my life by doingthis.
Luckily we’ve spent some time together lately and unsurprisingly we still get on so well, there’s obvious chemistry. I just need her now to look into her heart and let herself realise her true feelings like I have – I even burst out crying in front of her recently as I tried to explain to her what she means to me. She knows I’m not joking and she can see how important she is in my life. It took me months to realise I had made a mistake; I hope she realises that we’re right for each before months have further elapsed.
Right now I must be patient and let this takes as long as it takes. I can’t begin to explain how hard that is though. Men are impatient, we want instant answers so this is arguably my hardest test. She’s single and whilst it hurts me to think that she may go out and fool around with other guys whilst telling me that I still mean something to her, she’s entitled to do that. However if she wants this to work one would hope that she wouldn’t be with random men anymore – I can’t ask that of her but she can only do that for herself. It won’t work if she continues as a fully-fledged single lady. Everyone has desires and needs – myself included, but my physical urges have been and still are on hold, I’m waiting for her. I hope that soon she will want me again and not Mr Random.
Your readers must understand how much she means to me and just how good we were together. It’s so rare in life you meet someone special and it’s all too easy to suggest that one should never go back on the past however this is different. This is about love not two young people wanting just simply to fool around. Given that men are strong and emotionless, how often could a guy admit to crying in front of a girl because he’s so overwhelmed by the emotions that she evokes?
My request is simple, that she’s honest with herself and allows herself to relax and be loved again (providing she wants that). If she’s not honest with herself she’ll always be scared and we’ll never know what could have been. I believe that she would one day soon like to be back with me but I fear she’ll not let herself be loved again. Everyone likes to be loved, neither she nor I are any different. Not that long ago we used to regularly tell each other how much we loved one another – those strong feelings do not just disappear. I hope that in a year we’ll be able to look back at this and laugh – it’s one of those key moments in life where you know you’re making a decision now that can positively influence your entire future.
Life’s all about risks and gambles. I’ve put myself in a position where I could easily be hurt but because I know that there’s a chance things will work out perfectly it’s worth that risk. I hope she can take these same risks and gambles I have. One kiss may tell her everything she needs to know – those feelings of old may just need to be coaxed out with that most simple of moments when two foreign lips meet. She once loved me and I believe she still does. Despite it still being the early days, it’s timefor her to be brave and overcome her fears – the sooner she can do that, the sooner that my pain and anxiety will be distinguished and the sooner she’ll be loved again and back in the most amazing of relationships.
So, Little Miss Vak, what would you and your readers do or what advice would they give to me or her? It’s no surprise that people who know us have said that we’re meant to be together, that we’re perfect for each other. In the grand scheme of life we’ve had a minor blip and we’ll be stronger as a couple for this; after all, no couple go through life without having to cross a hurdle. I’ve learnt my lessons and will never let her go again, no chance.
Time and patience are the key factors here but in the short-term I hope she can loosen up, take a (100% safe) gamble on me and be true to her heart. If she can’t do that then this may not work and if this isn’t going to work I need to know sooner rather than later as forgiving myself for my errors in the past won’t be easy.
Remember, not all men are bad. Not all guys want to simply get into a woman’s pants – there are some of us who have feelings and emotions, one of which is the ability to love someone else. I am big enough to admit my errors and importantly I’m trying to correct them – it is never too late. We can’t change the past, so it’s time for me and her to write our new, better future, the one I know we both want.
An anonymous lovesick man.
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Proper Way to Eat Cereal
For me, eating cereal is an art. So, to become such an artist as I, follow these simple steps.
Step 1: Take your bowl and fill it with milk. Thats right, milk goes in first.
Step 2: Next you take a handful of the cereal of your choosing (I'm a fan of them all) and put it into the milk and enjoy. Eat a handful at a time.
Why, you say, should this be considered an art? Well, think about the benefits.
-No more soggy cereal.
Thats really all thats important to me. I hate soggy cereal.
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